Circuit theory II :2nd semester important questions

Unit 1:
Analysis of series and parallel circuits(16marks)
finding the equivalent resistance or current in the circuit(8 or 16 mark)
Mesh current method(16 marks)
Node voltage method(16 marks)
Star-Delta transformation,Derivation and problems(8 or 16)

Unit 2:
Problems from super position theorem(8 or 16 marks)
Problem from Thevenin's theorem and Norton theorem(8 or 16marks)
Problems from maximum transfer theorem,Reciprocity theorem(8marks)

Unit 3:
Derive the expression for maximum voltage across L and C.(16 marks)
Derive the expression for resonant frequency and bandwidth of a series resonant circuit
Derive the expression for Half Power Bandwidth of the parallel resonant circuit.
Derive magnetic coupling coefficient
Derive the expression for equivalent inductance of two coils in series and parallel with
1)Series aiding
2)Series opposition
3)Parallel Aiding 
4)Parallel opposition(16marks)
Write a note on DOT conversion(8mark)
Problems for finding resonant frequency,Bandwidth ,impedence of a circuit at given frequency and current under resonant condition.

Unit 4:
Derive the expression for driven series RC and RL circuit(16marks)
Write a note on overdamped, underdamped and critically damped system(16marks)
Define and explain the characterisitics of
1)Unit step function 
2)Unit ramp function
3)Unit impulse function(16marks)

Unit 5:
Explain two wattmeter method of measurement of three phase power and it effects with a neat diagram and it advantages.
Problems to find active power,Reactive power,Total active power,Power factor of load.
What are the different methods of three phase power measurement.?Explain them in detail?(16mark)
Derive a relationship between a line current and phase current and a line voltage and phase voltage related to star connected and delta connected load.(16marks)
With the help of phasor diagram and connection diagram show that Two Wattmeters method are sufficient to measure the active power in three phase three wire system with 
Balanced star connected load
Balanced Delta connected load

For two mark refer the previous year questions.The previous year paper can be downloaded from:

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