Time: 3Hrs Max.Marks: 100
Answer all questions
PART A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Differentiate exit and _exit functions.
2. Show how the current signal mask of a signal can be changed?
3. Write a program to find the host byte order.
4. State the purpose of SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT Socket options.
5. List out the information maintained by Zombie State.
6. Show how TCP maintains queue for listening socket.
7. How TCP_NODELAY option is used while sending small packets?
8. How, when and why a client that wants to access a site in remote server would accesses the DNS?
9. How a client running on IPV4 configured host communicate with a server in IPV6 host?
10. State few functions and uses of a raw socket.
PART B ( 5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
11. a) Explain the Posix Signal Handling process, which calls Signal function. (8)
b) State the conditions that generate a signal. (4)
c) Write notes on Signal Sets. (4)
12. a) i) Explain the characteristics of Process Groups and Sessions. (8)
ii) Write notes on Message Queues and Shared memory. (8)
b) Write a program to generate accounting data for a parent and three children. Get two integers in parent process and its children perform addition, subtraction and multiplication respectively and all get terminated in reverse order.
13. a) Explain gethostbyname, gethostbyname2 with resolver option and the structure
these two points by their return value. (16)
b) Write a Concurrent server program which uses TCP and show the status of Client and Server before call to fork, after fork and after socket closing by parent and child. (16)
14. a) Explain the various TCP Socket options in detail. (16)
b) Explain the various UDP server side System Calls and getsocket , setsocket functions
in detail. (16)
15. a) Write notes on
i. Raw Socket Creation and its uses. (6)
ii. IPV6 client communicating with IPV4 server (10)
a) Write a program that uses raw sockets for handling ICMP messages. (16)
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