Anna University Important questions for Computer science Engineering Cse third semester CS1354 GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIA
2. Define refresh buffer/frame buffer.
3. What is pixel?
4. Define aspect ratio.
5. What is Output Primitive?
6. What is DDA?
7. What are the disadvantages of DDA algorithm?
8. What is attribute parameter?
9. What are the basic line attributes?
10. What is meant by aliasing?
11. Define Rotation.
12. Define Reflection.
13. Define Shear.
14. Define Window.
15. Define view port.
16. What is viewing transformation?
17. Define Clipping.
18. What are the types of Clipping?
2. Describe the Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm with suitable example.
3. Explain the steps in midpoint circle drawing algorithm
4. Explain the steps in midpoint ellipse drawing algorithm.
5. Explain Two Dimensional transformations and viewing
6. What is polygon clipping? Explain Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm for polygon clipping.
7. Explain Cohen-Sutherland Clipping.
8. Explain in detail Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm.
2. What Boundary representation?
3. What space-partitioning representation?
4. What is Blobby Object?
5. What is projection? 6. What are the types of projection?
7. What is parallel projection?
8. What is Perspective projection?
9. What is chromaticity?
10. Define Color model.
11. What is HSV model?
12. What for CMY color model used?
13. What are the parameters in the HLS color model?
14. Define Computer animation.
15. How frame-by-frame animation works?
16. What is morphing?
17. What are the methods of motion specifications?
2. Design a storyboard layout and accompanying key frames for an animation of a single
3. How to specify objects motion in an animation system.
4. Derive the 3D transformation matrix for rotation about
(i) an arbitrary axis
(ii) an arbitrary plane
5. Explain RGB, CMY, YIQ and YUV color models.
6. Brief about select function and shut down functions.
7. Explain the properties of B spline. How it is differ from Bezier?
8. How to represent an object on 3D scene?
9. Explain three dimensional geometric and modeling transformations.
10. Explain three dimensional Viewing and Functions.
11. Draw the CIE chromaticity diagram and explain.
12. Explain different types of color model in detail.
2. What are the multimedia elements?
3. What is Holography?
4. What is hologram?
5. What are the important processes in image processing?
6. What are complex image enhancement capabilities?
7. What is VGA mixing?
8. What is Dual-buffered VGA mixing / scaling?
9. What is hypermedia documents?
10. What are the sub-systems in DSP? 11. What are the types of images based on multimedia?
12. What does non-visible images refer?
13. What are abstract images?
14. What is DVI?
15. What is MIDI?
16. What is Apple\'s Quick time?
17. What is JPEG?
18. What is called Asymmetrical compression based on Compression?
19. What are the considerations in Multimedia storage?
20. What are the strengths of object oriented s/w?
2. Briefly discuss the history and future of Multimedia.
3. Explain the characteristics of MDBMS.
4. Write short notes on multimedia system architecture
5. What is multimedia? Explain the properties of multimedia systems.
6. Explain the data stream characteristics for continuous media.
7. Explain the different file formats used in multimedia.
8. Suggests with reasons 5 potential applications of multimedia other than the applications
in the field of entertainment and education.
9. Explain various multimedia interface standards
10. Describe various building block of multimedia system.
11. Write short notes on MDBMS
12. Explain Database Organization for Multimedia Applications.
13. Explain 3-D Technology and Holography.
14. Explain hypermedia and its functions.
15. Short notes on Multimedia databases.
2. Say some loss less compression standards?
3. Say some lossy compression standards?
4. What is the disadvantage of CCITT Group 3 2D Scheme?
5. What is Luminance?
6. What are the levels of definition in JPEG standards?
7. Define Quantization.
8. What are the controls in VCR paradigm?
9. What are types of moving picture?
10. What are the factors that affect video performance?
11. What is fractal?
12. What are multimedia file formats?
13. What is digital pen? 14. What are the components of PEN?
15. What are the display performance issues?
16. What is roping?
17. Write the four basic technologies used for flat panel displays
18. What are the components of Laser printer?
19. What are the main characteristics of voice recognition system?
discuss the strength and weakness of each one
2. Explain the data compression technique used in multimedia.
3. Define MIDI. List its attribute. Compare and contrast the use of MIDI and digitized audio
in multimedia production.
4. List and explain important steps and considerations in recording and editing digital audio.
5. Describe the capabilities and limitations of bitmap images and vector images.
6. Define animation and describe how it can be used in multimedia
7. Explain Color, Gray Scale and Still Video Image Compression method
8. Explain data and file format standards.
9. Explain multimedia input and output Technologies.
10. Uses of magnetic Storage in Multimedia Systems
2. What are the types of Multimedia authoring Systems?
3. Classify the User interface development tools?
4. What is the purpose of zooming?
5. What is panning?
6. What are the steps needed for Hypermedia report generation?
7. Define mail message.
8. What are the components of a distributed Multimedia system?
9. What are the characteristics of Document store?
10. What are key issues in data organization for multimedia systems?
11. What are the key elements in object server architecture of multimedia applications?
12. What are the functions performed by object request broker?
13. What are the issues in database replication techniques?
14. What are the types of database replication?
15. What are the primary n/w topologies used for multimedia?
16. Give the primary goal of MAPI.
17. What is the purpose of MIME?
18. What are the characteristics of image and still video stores ?
19. What are the services provided by a directory service agent? 20. What are the services provided by User Interface Agent?
2. List the main attribute, benefits and drawbacks of 3 types of authoring systems.
3. Write short notes on following.(i) Mobile messaging. (ii) Document management.
4. Explain time based and object oriented multimedia authoring tool
5. What is editing features? Explain it briefly.
6. Briefly explain integrated document management in multimedia.
7. How to create hypermedia message? Give an example also explain hypermedia
message components.
8. Explain Distributed multimedia systems
9. Explain multimedia Authoring and User Interface design.
Unit – 1
1. What is the purpose of presentation graphics?2. Define refresh buffer/frame buffer.
3. What is pixel?
4. Define aspect ratio.
5. What is Output Primitive?
6. What is DDA?
7. What are the disadvantages of DDA algorithm?
8. What is attribute parameter?
9. What are the basic line attributes?
10. What is meant by aliasing?
11. Define Rotation.
12. Define Reflection.
13. Define Shear.
14. Define Window.
15. Define view port.
16. What is viewing transformation?
17. Define Clipping.
18. What are the types of Clipping?
1. Write and explain the DDA algorithm for line generation2. Describe the Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm with suitable example.
3. Explain the steps in midpoint circle drawing algorithm
4. Explain the steps in midpoint ellipse drawing algorithm.
5. Explain Two Dimensional transformations and viewing
6. What is polygon clipping? Explain Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm for polygon clipping.
7. Explain Cohen-Sutherland Clipping.
8. Explain in detail Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm.
Unit – 2
1. Categorize the 3D representations?2. What Boundary representation?
3. What space-partitioning representation?
4. What is Blobby Object?
5. What is projection? 6. What are the types of projection?
7. What is parallel projection?
8. What is Perspective projection?
9. What is chromaticity?
10. Define Color model.
11. What is HSV model?
12. What for CMY color model used?
13. What are the parameters in the HLS color model?
14. Define Computer animation.
15. How frame-by-frame animation works?
16. What is morphing?
17. What are the methods of motion specifications?
1. Explain 3D basic transformation with an example2. Design a storyboard layout and accompanying key frames for an animation of a single
3. How to specify objects motion in an animation system.
4. Derive the 3D transformation matrix for rotation about
(i) an arbitrary axis
(ii) an arbitrary plane
5. Explain RGB, CMY, YIQ and YUV color models.
6. Brief about select function and shut down functions.
7. Explain the properties of B spline. How it is differ from Bezier?
8. How to represent an object on 3D scene?
9. Explain three dimensional geometric and modeling transformations.
10. Explain three dimensional Viewing and Functions.
11. Draw the CIE chromaticity diagram and explain.
12. Explain different types of color model in detail.
Unit – 3
1. Give some Multimedia applications.2. What are the multimedia elements?
3. What is Holography?
4. What is hologram?
5. What are the important processes in image processing?
6. What are complex image enhancement capabilities?
7. What is VGA mixing?
8. What is Dual-buffered VGA mixing / scaling?
9. What is hypermedia documents?
10. What are the sub-systems in DSP? 11. What are the types of images based on multimedia?
12. What does non-visible images refer?
13. What are abstract images?
14. What is DVI?
15. What is MIDI?
16. What is Apple\'s Quick time?
17. What is JPEG?
18. What is called Asymmetrical compression based on Compression?
19. What are the considerations in Multimedia storage?
20. What are the strengths of object oriented s/w?
1. Explain list of Multimedia applications. Explain them briefly.2. Briefly discuss the history and future of Multimedia.
3. Explain the characteristics of MDBMS.
4. Write short notes on multimedia system architecture
5. What is multimedia? Explain the properties of multimedia systems.
6. Explain the data stream characteristics for continuous media.
7. Explain the different file formats used in multimedia.
8. Suggests with reasons 5 potential applications of multimedia other than the applications
in the field of entertainment and education.
9. Explain various multimedia interface standards
10. Describe various building block of multimedia system.
11. Write short notes on MDBMS
12. Explain Database Organization for Multimedia Applications.
13. Explain 3-D Technology and Holography.
14. Explain hypermedia and its functions.
15. Short notes on Multimedia databases.
Unit – 4
1. Define Cadence.2. Say some loss less compression standards?
3. Say some lossy compression standards?
4. What is the disadvantage of CCITT Group 3 2D Scheme?
5. What is Luminance?
6. What are the levels of definition in JPEG standards?
7. Define Quantization.
8. What are the controls in VCR paradigm?
9. What are types of moving picture?
10. What are the factors that affect video performance?
11. What is fractal?
12. What are multimedia file formats?
13. What is digital pen? 14. What are the components of PEN?
15. What are the display performance issues?
16. What is roping?
17. Write the four basic technologies used for flat panel displays
18. What are the components of Laser printer?
19. What are the main characteristics of voice recognition system?
1. List the types of fixed and removable storage devices available for multimedia, anddiscuss the strength and weakness of each one
2. Explain the data compression technique used in multimedia.
3. Define MIDI. List its attribute. Compare and contrast the use of MIDI and digitized audio
in multimedia production.
4. List and explain important steps and considerations in recording and editing digital audio.
5. Describe the capabilities and limitations of bitmap images and vector images.
6. Define animation and describe how it can be used in multimedia
7. Explain Color, Gray Scale and Still Video Image Compression method
8. Explain data and file format standards.
9. Explain multimedia input and output Technologies.
10. Uses of magnetic Storage in Multimedia Systems
Unit – 5
1. What are the design issues for multimedia authoring?2. What are the types of Multimedia authoring Systems?
3. Classify the User interface development tools?
4. What is the purpose of zooming?
5. What is panning?
6. What are the steps needed for Hypermedia report generation?
7. Define mail message.
8. What are the components of a distributed Multimedia system?
9. What are the characteristics of Document store?
10. What are key issues in data organization for multimedia systems?
11. What are the key elements in object server architecture of multimedia applications?
12. What are the functions performed by object request broker?
13. What are the issues in database replication techniques?
14. What are the types of database replication?
15. What are the primary n/w topologies used for multimedia?
16. Give the primary goal of MAPI.
17. What is the purpose of MIME?
18. What are the characteristics of image and still video stores ?
19. What are the services provided by a directory service agent? 20. What are the services provided by User Interface Agent?
1. Distinguish between multimedia system and hypermedia system.2. List the main attribute, benefits and drawbacks of 3 types of authoring systems.
3. Write short notes on following.(i) Mobile messaging. (ii) Document management.
4. Explain time based and object oriented multimedia authoring tool
5. What is editing features? Explain it briefly.
6. Briefly explain integrated document management in multimedia.
7. How to create hypermedia message? Give an example also explain hypermedia
message components.
8. Explain Distributed multimedia systems
9. Explain multimedia Authoring and User Interface design.
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