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EDC RE-Exam to be rescheduled on july 31(Official announcement)
Hi guys the official announcement has come for the re examination.The pdf of the re-exam is as published below.
1)Exam is on july 31.7.2012 at 10 am.
2)The old hall ticket should be used as the hall ticket.
ALL the best to all for the re exam.
And do comment on how was the exam.
1)Exam is on july 31.7.2012 at 10 am.
2)The old hall ticket should be used as the hall ticket.
ALL the best to all for the re exam.
And do comment on how was the exam.
EDC RE-Exam to be rescheduled on july 31(NO official announcement has been made)
I saw one of my visitor commented that there was a reschedule of university exam for the subject "Electronic device and circuit".Depending on the details it can be said that:
1)The Exam For EC2151 electronic device and circuit will be re conducted.
2)The exam is planned to be on July 31.
Note:No official announcement has come so far.
3)For 2012 Pass out Result awaiting students:The results will not be delayed is what mentioned.But so far no official announcement has come.
News From Hindu:
Students in affiliated colleges of Anna University, eagerly awaiting their first year (second semester results) will have to take the exam in one subject all over again.
The University has asked all colleges under it to conduct the ‘Electronic Device and Circuits’ examination on July 31. Teachers and students suspect the reason could be a possible question paper leak. The examination was held on June 29, and was the last paper for the second semester students. Students of computer science, Information Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Bio-medical engineering took the exam.
“The paper was available on the internet at around 10 .30 p.m. on the night before the exam. The exam code was also visible,” says a student who adds that only those who had spotted it online could have benefited. “When we heard of it, we thought it was a joke. But the paper next day was exactly the same,” says a student. Senior professors said they came to know of the leak only after the exam. “We were the last ones to know but the students knew it,” says a principal of a self-financing college.
The subject, EDC, is considered tougher than most other subjects, and many students end up with arrears. “It is also the one of the first core subjects students study,” said K S Babai, principal, Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College. Extra classes to help students prepare for the re-exam have already begun in the college, as in many others.
Students, however, feel the re-exam is an additional burden on them, as many had spent a major part of their study holidays working on the subject. Incidentally, the final-year students, many of who have arrears in the subject, are most stressed out.
“I am supposed to join an IT company this Monday but they won’t let me in without all my arrears cleared,” said K. Saravanan, a computer science student.
University officials said they are investigating the issue and will try not to delay the evaluation and the results.
Official announcement will be published if it comes by university.
Anna University B.E (Part Time) Results -May 2012 Published
The anna university B.E (part time) results have been published today .Click below to check the following:
Contact Me form for my Visitors
Hi, depending on the increase in enquiries i have embedded a contact form through which you can get in touch with me .If you have some enquiry just contact me through this form i will respond to you quickly as i can .Wish it will be helpfull for you.
Anna university First year new syllabus text books :BUY online
Anna university textbooks according to new syllabus.Get your book at home through online .Eventhough there is a shortage ,stock is available till now.The following are the textbook available online.
1)Engineering Graphics:
Engineering drawing by N.D bhatt
2)Computing Techniques
Fundamentals in programming and computing by pradeep dey
'computer programming'pearson education,2007
'Let us c'Yahavant.p kanatkar
3)Engineering mathematics
Higher engineering Mathematics,B.V.Ramana
Higher Engineering Mathematics,Grewal b.s
The textbooks for english,chemistry and physics will be uploaded later.
1)Engineering Graphics:
Engineering drawing by N.D bhatt
2)Computing Techniques
Fundamentals in programming and computing by pradeep dey
'computer programming'pearson education,2007
'Let us c'Yahavant.p kanatkar
3)Engineering mathematics
Higher engineering Mathematics,B.V.Ramana
Higher Engineering Mathematics,Grewal b.s
The textbooks for english,chemistry and physics will be uploaded later.
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it you will be able to get updates on my site through sms and you can read it on the go.Gprs and net connection not at all required .
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Visit and confirm your mobile number.Its a googles app and hence number will not be taken for misuse.Hence girls can also register.
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Anna university new syllabus for 1st semester 2012
The Pdf can be seen at the link provided below.The snapshots will be uploaded shortly.
DHE Odisha first selection list out: check here
The department of higher education ,government of odisha has published the first selection list:
tnpsc group 4 answer key 2012
The following are the links to various sites for the answer keys of tnpsc exam:
I hope this will help you in getting the answer keys.
I hope this will help you in getting the answer keys.
Marks scandal rocks Anna University
A mind blowing news i came to read in three websites which includes ibnlive also.It is really sad to hear that a prestigious university had a mark scandal.
As published in ibnlive:
As published in ibnlive:
A thriving exam marks racket involving some faculty members and officials has come to light in the premier Anna University in Chennai. The racket has helped children of influential parents who failed in semester examinations to pass with flying colours in two of the university’s four renowned campuses — the College of Engineering in Guindy (CEG) and the Madras Institute of Technology (MIT) in Chromepet.
Rumours about the shocking academic malpractice that flourished through pseudo revaluation exercises were widely doing the rounds for the past three years. However, for the first time, evidence has emerged in black and white. A couple of junior faculty members have over the past month admitted that they revalued the answer papers of some failed students and gave them pass marks on the instructions of an university Examination Department official. The official has since been moved out, but not as punishment.
One of the assistant professors in the Dept of Computer Technology at the MIT campus has addressed his letter, in the form of a confession, to the Chief Minister’s Cell. For some strange reason, the other assistant professor at the Ramanujan Computing Centre in CEG has addressed his letter to an official of a quasi-government body who is well-versed with the state of affairs.
Naming a university official who abused his position in the Examination Department, the MIT assistant professor has said that the former “gave me the papers and asked me to give pass mark for some of the papers. I have been given the subjects from their first semester and other semesters.”
Alarmingly, in April, the official had given him answer papers of subjects which have nothing do with the evaluator’s expertise. The assistant professor, whose specialisation is in computers, has said he was asked to evaluate among others Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics papers and “many more subjects which I do not remember.”
Similarly, the faculty member at the CEG has said he gave pass marks to students in six subjects during Nov-Dec 2009 and April-May 2010. “In future, I cannot do this kind of mistakes where it affects the brand of my university (sic),” he said in the letter.
As published on: indian colleges
Anna University has appointed a panel of 3 members as some students who had failed to clear the exams were given pass marks by the professors who evaluated the answer sheets. The names of the panel members have been kept confidential.
Apparently, they were forced to give the required marks.
The mark scam of Anna University came to light when Additional Controller of Examinations was informed by senior professor that an assistant professor of the computer technology department of the Madras Institute of Technology, Chromepet has evaluated the paper and given extra marks to the student.
The concerned assistant professor has admitted to giving pass marks to students in some subjects.
Post your views below if you an anna university student.
Post your views below if you an anna university student.
Anna University,Chennai Second Semester June/July 2012 Results
This was published in reji****.But as per the inputs the valuation is still on for the second semester and the results will be published by the second or third week of this month.If students have any comments they can publish below.
The Results will be published in aannaunivhelper.blogspot.com .
Arrear Result of eight semester
Few students told me that their result is not published because of having arrears in the previous semester.When entering the roll number they will be getting like this:
This is true .Their result will be published along with other semester results.The results will be published by the second week of this month(most probably).The results will be published in this site.Please visit for updates .-
Anna University Nov-Dec 2012 Results Expected Date This time the correction is expected to commence in the end of December 2012 and ge...
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Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test 2013 TANCET 2013 Notification will be out in the early 2013 , students who are doing final year ( 8th Se...
The below is as i found in some other sites: Fourth,sixth semester paper valuation is currently going on and valuation is excepted to ...
Download Hall ticket for TANCET2016 anna university Anna University has released the Admit Cards of the TANCET 2016 Examinatio...
A mind blowing news i came to read in three websites which includes ibnlive also.It is really sad to hear that a prestigious university had ...
Earlier the result were to be published on or before 15 th of august.Since the university were unable to upload ,the results can be publishe...
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- Anna university new syllabus for 1st semester 2012
- DHE Odisha first selection list out: check here
- tnpsc group 4 answer key 2012
- Marks scandal rocks Anna University
- TNEA rank enquiry:Rank published
- Reopening dates and academic schedule :july 2012-d...
- Anna University,Chennai Second Semester June/July...
- Arrear Result of eight semester