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J Jayalalithaa Convicted of Corruption and will soon step down as CM

J Jayalalithaa chief minister of tamilnadu is convicted for corruption case by banglore court .J Jayalalithaa will soon step down as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister.

Special Judge John Michael D'Cunha has given the judgement on the case against her which accuses her of misusing her first term as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu from 1991 to 1996 to collect assets that were vastly disproportionate to her income.

Due to the conviction she is disqualified from election for 6 years .

The judgement is believed to make a huge impact in tamilnadu .The Judgement also states that Nobody is above law is is common for all .

In view of judgement Security has been increased at the DMK headquarters and residences of its senior leaders.

Important questions for CSE third semester CS1352 PRINCIPLES OF COMPILER DESIGN

Anna University Important questions for Computer science Engineering Cse third semester CS1352 PRINCIPLES OF COMPILER DESIGN

1. Define a compiler? 
2. Describe the Analysis-Synthesis Model of compilation. 
3. Define a symbol table. 
4. What are the functions of preprocessors? 
5. Define Assembly Code. 
6. Define tokens, Patterns and lexemes. 
7. What are the possible error-recovery actions in lexical Analyzer? 
8. What are the three general approaches to the implementation of a 
Lexical Analyzer? 
9. Define a Sentinel. 
10. Describe briefly rational preprocessors with an example. 
11. What are the reasons for separating the analysis phase of compiling 
into Lexical analysis and parsing? 
12. What is the function of a loader? 
13. Give the diagrammatic representation of a language processing 
14. Explain briefly the producer-consumer pair of a lexical analyzer and 
15. Mention the issues in a lexical analyzer. 
16. Mention some of the cousins of the compiler. 
17. What are rational preprocessors? 

1. Explain in detail about the role of Lexical analyzer with the possible error 
recovery actions. 
 2. (a)Describe the following software tools 
 i. Structure Editors ii. Pretty printers iii. Interpreters (8) 
 (b)Write in detail about the cousins of the compiler. 
 3. Describe in detail about input buffering. What are the tools used for 
constructing a compiler? 
4. (a)Explain the functions of the Lexical Analyzer with its implementation. 
 (b)Elaborate specification of tokens. 
5. (a)What is a compiler? Explain the various phases of compiler in detail, 
 with a neat sketch. (10)
 (b) Elaborate on grouping of phases in a compiler. 
6. (a) Explain the various phases of a compiler in detail. Also write down the 
output for the following expression after each phase a: 
=b*c-d. (8)
 (b) What are the phases of the compiler? Explain the phases in detail. 
Write down the output of each phase for the expression a: = b + c * 
50. (8)

1. Draw a NFA for a*|b*.
2. What do you mean by Handle Pruning? 
3. Define LR (0) items. 
4. What do you mean by viable prefixes? 
5. Define handle. 
6. What are the algebraic properties of regular expressions? 
7. What is finite automata? 
8. What are the goals of error handler in a parser? 
9. What is an ambiguous grammar? Give an example. 
10.What is phrase level error recovery? 
11.What are the disadvantages of operator precedence parsing? 
12.What is a predictive parser? 
13.Eliminate left recursion from the following grammar
14.What is LL (1) grammar? Give the properties of LL (1) grammar. 
15.Give the algorithm for Left Factoring a Grammar. 
16.What is Left Recursion? Give an example for eliminating the same. 

1. What is FIRST and FOLLOW? Explain in detail with an example. Write down 
the necessary algorithm. (16)
2. Construct Predictive Parsing table for the following grammar: 
S -> (L) / a 
L -> L, S/S
and check whether the following sentences belong to that grammar or 
(i) (a,a) 
(ii) (a, (a , a)) 
(iii) (a, ((a , a), (a , a)) ) (16)
3. (a) Construct the predictive parser for the following grammar: 
S -> (L)|a 
L -> L,S|S. (12)
 (b) Construct the behaviour of the parser on sentence (a, a) using the 
 S -> (L)|a 
 L -> L,S|S. (4)
4. (a) Check whether the following grammar is SLR (1) or not. Explain your 
answer with reasons. 
S-> L=R
R->L (8) 
(b) For the grammar given below, calculate the operator precedence 
relation and the precedence functions. 
E -> E + E | E – E | E * E | E / E | E ^ E | (E) | -E | id (8)
5. Check whether the following grammar is a LL(1) grammar 
S -> iEtS | iEtSeS | a
E -> b
Also define the FIRST and FOLLOW procedures. (16)
6. (a) Consider the grammar given below. 
Construct an LR Parsing table for the above grammar. Give the moves of 
LR parser on id*id+id. 
 (b) What is a shift-reduce parser? Explain in detail the conflicts that may 
occur during shift- reduce 
parsing. (4)

 1. How would you represent the following equation using the DAG, 
 a: =b*-c + b*-c. What is the purpose of DAG? 
2. What is the intermediate code representation for the expression 
a or b and not c ? 
3. How would you map names to Values? 
4. What are the various methods of implementing three address statements? 
5. Suggest a Suitable approach for completing hash function. 
6. What are the methods of representing a syntax tree?
7. Give the Syntax directed definition of if-else statement. 
8. What is backpatching? 
9. What are the applications of DAG? 
10.Define marker non-terminals with an example. 
11.Why are quadruples preferred over triples in an optimizing Complier? 
12.Give the triple representation of a ternary operation x:= y[i] 
13.Give the Semantic rules for the production S while E do S1. 
14.Let A be a 10x20 array with low1=low2=1. Therefore n1=10 and n2=20. Take 
w to be 4. Give the annotated parse tree for the assignment x:=A[y,z] 
15.What is short-circuit or jumping code? 

1. How would you generate the intermediate code for the flow of control 
statements?Explain with examples. (16)
2. (a)What are the various ways of calling procedures? Explain in detail. 
(b)What is a three-address code? Mention its types. How would you 
implement the three address statements? Explain with 
examples. (8)
3. How would you generate intermediate code for the flow of control 
 Explain with examples. (16) 
4. (a)Describe the method of generating syntax-directed definition for 
Control statements. 
 (b)Give the semantic rules for declarations in a procedure. (8) 
5. (a) How Back patching can be used the generate code for Boolean 
expressions and flow of control statements. (8)
 (b)Explain how the types and relative addresses of declared names are 
 and how scope information is dealt with. 
6. (a) Describe in detail the syntax-directed translation of case statements. 
 (b) Explain in detail the translation of assignment statements. (8) 

1. How would you calculate the cost of an instruction?
2. What is an activation record for a procedure? 
3. What is a Basic Block? 
4. What are the steps involved in partitioning a Sequence of three address 
statements into basic blocks? 
5. What are the limitations of static allocation? 
6. What is dead code elimination? 
7. Give the primary structure preserving transformations on Basic Blocks. 
8. Draw the diagram of the general activation record and give the purpose 
of any two fields. 
9. What is stack allocation? 
10.What are dags and how are they useful in implementing transformations 
on basic blocks? 
11.What is peephole optimization? 
12.Mention the transformations that are characteristic of peephole 
13.What are machine idioms? 
14.Construct the dag for the following basic block: 
d: = b * c 
 e: = a + b 
 b: = b * c 
 a: = e - d 
15. Give the applications of dags. 
16. What are register descriptors? 
17. Briefly describe address descriptors. 

1. (a) Explain the issues in design of code generator. (8)
(b)Explain peephole optimization. (8)
2. (a)Discuss run time storage management of a code generator. 
 (b)Explain DAG representation of the basic blocks with an example. 
3. (a) Explain the simple code generator with a suitable example. (8)
 (b)Describe about the stack allocation in memory management. 
4. (a) What are the different storage allocation strategies? (8)
 (b)What are steps needed to compute the next use information? 
5. (a) Write detailed notes on Basic blocks and flow graphs. 
 (b)How would you construct a DAG for a Basic block? Explain with an 
example. (8)
1. What are called optimizations and what is an optimization compiler? 
2. Mention the criteria for code-improving transformations. 
3. Mention the function preserving, code improving transformations. 
4. What is code motion? Give an example. 
5. What is constant folding? 
6. What are induction variables? What is induction variable elimination? 
7. What is a cross-compiler? Give an example. 
8. What are the properties of optimizing compilers? 
9. Mention the different storage allocation strategies. 
10.Mention the limitations of static allocation. 
11.What are calling sequences and give brief notes on its types. 
12.When does a dangling reference occur? Give its impact on programs. 
13.Give the situations in which stack allocation can not be used. 
14.Mention the different types of parameter passing. 
15.What are the two approaches of implementing Dynamic Scope? Give 
the difference between the two. 

1. (a) Explain the principle sources of optimization in detail. (8)
 (b)What are the various ways of calling procedures? (8)
2. (a) Discuss about the following: 
i). Copy Propagation ii) Dead-code Elimination and iii) Code motion 
 (b)Describe in detail about the stack allocation in memory management. 
3. (a) Write about Data flow analysis of structural programs. (8)
(b)Describe the various storage allocation strategies. (8)
4. (a) Describe in detail the source language issues. 
(b) Explain in detail access to nonlocal names. 
5. (a) Elaborate storage organization. 
 (b)Write detailed notes on parameter passing. 
6. (a) Explain optimization of basic blocks. 
(b) Explain the various approaches to compiler development. 

Important questions for CS1354 GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIA

Anna University Important questions for Computer science Engineering Cse third semester CS1354 GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIA

Unit – 1 
1. What is the purpose of presentation graphics?
2. Define refresh buffer/frame buffer.
3. What is pixel?
4. Define aspect ratio.
5. What is Output Primitive?
6. What is DDA?
7. What are the disadvantages of DDA algorithm?
8. What is attribute parameter?
9. What are the basic line attributes?
10. What is meant by aliasing?
11. Define Rotation.
12. Define Reflection.
13. Define Shear.
14. Define Window.
15. Define view port.
16. What is viewing transformation?
17. Define Clipping.
18. What are the types of Clipping?

1. Write and explain the DDA algorithm for line generation
2. Describe the Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm with suitable example.
3. Explain the steps in midpoint circle drawing algorithm
4. Explain the steps in midpoint ellipse drawing algorithm.
5. Explain Two Dimensional transformations and viewing
6. What is polygon clipping? Explain Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm for polygon clipping.
7. Explain Cohen-Sutherland Clipping.
8. Explain in detail Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm.

Unit – 2 
1. Categorize the 3D representations?
2. What Boundary representation?
3. What space-partitioning representation?
4. What is Blobby Object?
5. What is projection? 6. What are the types of projection?
7. What is parallel projection?
8. What is Perspective projection?
9. What is chromaticity?
10. Define Color model.
11. What is HSV model?
12. What for CMY color model used?
13. What are the parameters in the HLS color model?
14. Define Computer animation.
15. How frame-by-frame animation works?
16. What is morphing?
17. What are the methods of motion specifications?

1. Explain 3D basic transformation with an example
2. Design a storyboard layout and accompanying key frames for an animation of a single
3. How to specify objects motion in an animation system.
4. Derive the 3D transformation matrix for rotation about
(i) an arbitrary axis
(ii) an arbitrary plane
5. Explain RGB, CMY, YIQ and YUV color models.
6. Brief about select function and shut down functions.
7. Explain the properties of B spline. How it is differ from Bezier?
8. How to represent an object on 3D scene?
9. Explain three dimensional geometric and modeling transformations.
10. Explain three dimensional Viewing and Functions.
11. Draw the CIE chromaticity diagram and explain.
12. Explain different types of color model in detail.

Unit – 3 
1. Give some Multimedia applications.
2. What are the multimedia elements?
3. What is Holography?
4. What is hologram?
5. What are the important processes in image processing?
6. What are complex image enhancement capabilities?
7. What is VGA mixing?
8. What is Dual-buffered VGA mixing / scaling?
9. What is hypermedia documents?
10. What are the sub-systems in DSP? 11. What are the types of images based on multimedia?
12. What does non-visible images refer?
13. What are abstract images?
14. What is DVI?
15. What is MIDI?
16. What is Apple\'s Quick time?
17. What is JPEG?
18. What is called Asymmetrical compression based on Compression?
19. What are the considerations in Multimedia storage?
20. What are the strengths of object oriented s/w?

1. Explain list of Multimedia applications. Explain them briefly.
2. Briefly discuss the history and future of Multimedia.
3. Explain the characteristics of MDBMS.
4. Write short notes on multimedia system architecture
5. What is multimedia? Explain the properties of multimedia systems.
 6. Explain the data stream characteristics for continuous media.
7. Explain the different file formats used in multimedia.
8. Suggests with reasons 5 potential applications of multimedia other than the applications
in the field of entertainment and education.
9. Explain various multimedia interface standards
10. Describe various building block of multimedia system.
11. Write short notes on MDBMS
12. Explain Database Organization for Multimedia Applications.
13. Explain 3-D Technology and Holography.
14. Explain hypermedia and its functions.
15. Short notes on Multimedia databases.

Unit – 4 
1. Define Cadence.
2. Say some loss less compression standards?
3. Say some lossy compression standards?
4. What is the disadvantage of CCITT Group 3 2D Scheme?
5. What is Luminance?
6. What are the levels of definition in JPEG standards?
7. Define Quantization.
8. What are the controls in VCR paradigm?
9. What are types of moving picture?
10. What are the factors that affect video performance?
11. What is fractal?
12. What are multimedia file formats?
13. What is digital pen? 14. What are the components of PEN?
15. What are the display performance issues?
16. What is roping?
17. Write the four basic technologies used for flat panel displays
18. What are the components of Laser printer?
19. What are the main characteristics of voice recognition system?

1. List the types of fixed and removable storage devices available for multimedia, and
discuss the strength and weakness of each one
2. Explain the data compression technique used in multimedia.
3. Define MIDI. List its attribute. Compare and contrast the use of MIDI and digitized audio
in multimedia production.
4. List and explain important steps and considerations in recording and editing digital audio.
5. Describe the capabilities and limitations of bitmap images and vector images.
6. Define animation and describe how it can be used in multimedia
7. Explain Color, Gray Scale and Still Video Image Compression method
8. Explain data and file format standards.
9. Explain multimedia input and output Technologies.
10. Uses of magnetic Storage in Multimedia Systems

Unit – 5 
1. What are the design issues for multimedia authoring?
2. What are the types of Multimedia authoring Systems?
3. Classify the User interface development tools?
4. What is the purpose of zooming?
5. What is panning?
6. What are the steps needed for Hypermedia report generation?
7. Define mail message.
8. What are the components of a distributed Multimedia system?
9. What are the characteristics of Document store?
10. What are key issues in data organization for multimedia systems?
11. What are the key elements in object server architecture of multimedia applications?
12. What are the functions performed by object request broker?
13. What are the issues in database replication techniques?
14. What are the types of database replication?
15. What are the primary n/w topologies used for multimedia?
16. Give the primary goal of MAPI.
17. What is the purpose of MIME?
18. What are the characteristics of image and still video stores ?
19. What are the services provided by a directory service agent? 20. What are the services provided by User Interface Agent?

1. Distinguish between multimedia system and hypermedia system.
2. List the main attribute, benefits and drawbacks of 3 types of authoring systems.
3. Write short notes on following.(i) Mobile messaging. (ii) Document management.
4. Explain time based and object oriented multimedia authoring tool
5. What is editing features? Explain it briefly.
6. Briefly explain integrated document management in multimedia.
7. How to create hypermedia message? Give an example also explain hypermedia
message components.
8. Explain Distributed multimedia systems

9. Explain multimedia Authoring and User Interface design.

Important questions for CS1353 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS

Anna University Important questions for Computer science Engineering Cse third semester  CS1353 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS

1. Define distributed systems?
2. Give examples of distributed systems .
3. Write the following
(i)HTTP (ii) HTML (iii) URL
4. What are the uses of web services?
5. Define heterogeneity.
6. What are the characteristics of heterogeneity ?
7. What is the purpose of heterogeneity mobile code?
8. Why we need openness?
9. How we provide security?
10. Define scalability.
11. What are the types of transparencies?
12. Define transparencies.
13. Define System model.
14. What is the architectural model?
15. What is the fundamental model?
16. What are the difficult for treat and distributed system?
17. Define Middleware.
18. What are the different types of model?
19. Which type of network can be used by distributed system?
20. What are the different types of network?
21. Define latency.
22. What is the difference between networking and internetworking?
23. What is meant by networking?
24. What is meant by internetworking?
25. What are the different types of switching are used in computer networking?
26. Define protocol.
27. What is the function of router?
28. What is meant by internet protocol?
29. Define domain name.
30. Define mobile IP.

1. a. Explain the Differences between intranet and internet. (8)
 b. Write in detail about www (8)
2. Explain the various challenges of distributed systems (16)
3. Write in detail about the characteristics of inter process communication (16)
4. a. Explain in detail about marshalling (8)
 b. Explain about the networking principles. (8)
5. Describe in detail about client - server communication. (l6)
6. Write in detail about group communication. (l6)
7. Explain in detail about the various system models (16)
8. a. Describe details about architectural model? (8)
 b. Describe details about functional model? (8)
9. a. Explain the various types of networks? (8)
 b. What are the networking issues for distributed System? (8)
10.Explain about the internet protocols. (16)

1 . What is meant by interprocess Communication?
2 . What is the difference between RMI and RPC?
3 . Define Datagram.
4 . What is the use of UDP?
5 . What are the methods provides by datagram socket?
6 . What are the characteristic of network hidden by stream abstraction?
7 . What is the use of remote object references?
8. List out the choices in RMI invocation semantics.
9. Write note on Dispatcher.
10.Define the binder.
11. What is a server thread?
12. List the activities of an activator.
13.What is mean by object location?
14.What is remote procedure call?
15. Give the difference between RMI and RPC.
16.What do you mean by Authentication?
17.Define notification.
18.Define the term metadata.
19.What is file replication?
20.Write note on flat file service.
21. Define path name.
22. What are the properties of URL?
23.Define name service.?

1. a. Explain the Communication between distributed objects (8)
 b. Explain in detail about Events and Notifications (8)
2. Explain in detail about Remote Procedure call with a case study. (16)
3. Describe java RMI. (16)
4. Explain about the group communication (16)
5. Describe about the client server communication (16)
6. a. Explain characteristics of interprocess communication. (8)
 b. Explain UDP datagram communication (8)
7. Explain the various type communications. (16)

1. Mention the function of distributed operating system.
2. What is concurrent processing?
3. Write note on protection.
4. Define the shared memory multi-process.
5. What is the function of a process manager?
6. Define threads.
7. Distinguish between threads and multiple process.
8. When an object is considered to be a garbage?
9. How is distributed dead lock detected?
10. What is distributed termination detector?
11. Define marker receiving rule.
12.Define marker sending rule.
13. What is distributed debugging?
14. Why computer clock synchronization necessary?
15. What is global state predicate?
16.Write short note on name spaces.
17.List the domain names.
18. Define the term multi-cast.
19.What do you mean by group communication?

1. Explain in detail the operating system layers. (16)
2 . Write note on: i)Protection ii)Address space (16)
3. Explain the creation of new process in distributed systems. (16)
4. Write a detail note on threads. (16)
5. Explain the operating system architecture. (16)
6 . Write note on: i) clocks ii) clock skew iii)Co-ordinate universal time (16)
7. Discuss about dead locks in detail. (16)
8. Explain about distributed mutual exclusion. (16)
9. Write note on: i) Distributed garbage collection
 ii) Distributed deadlock detection
 iii) Distributed termination detection (16)
10. Briefly explain the election algorithms. (16)

1. Define atomicity.
2. What do you mean by transaction?
3. What is transactional object?
4. Write note on durability.
5. Define isolation.
6. What happens when server actions related to process crashes?
7. What happens when client actions related to server process crashes?
8. What is agreement in passive replication?
9. Write note on nested transactions.
10.What are transactions?
11.What is two-phase locking?
12.Write note on shared locks.
13.Write the rules for nested transaction.
14.Define deadlock.
15.How dead lock is prevented?
16.Write note on timeouts.
17. How deadlock is detected?
18. What is validation phase?
19.What is update phase?
20.Define granularity.
21.What is two phase commit protocol?
22.What is one phase commit protocol?
23.Write note on transaction priority.
24.What is meta data?

1. Discuss transactions with suitable example. (16)
2. What is concurrency control? Explain in detail. (16)
3. Briefly explain Nested Transactions. (16)
4. Write short notes on locks with suitable example. (16)
5. What is a deadlock? How deadlock can be recovered? (16)
6. Explain flat Transaction and Nested Transaction. (16)
7. Discuss a distributed banking transaction. (16)
8. Explain Two Phase commit protocol. (16)
9. Briefly Explain distributed dead locks. (16)
10. Explain transaction recovery. (16)

1. Define cryptography.
2. What are the security policies?
3. What is message tampering?
4. List the threads in distributed system.
5. Write note on replaying.
6. What do you mean by information leakage?
7. List the uses of cryptography.
8. What is authentication?
9. Define digital signature.
10. What do you mean by digital certificate?
11. What is fire wall?
12. What is block ciphers?
13. What is private key?
14. What is replication?
15. What are the role of group membership service?
16. How group membership changes notified?
17. What is object group?
18. What is passive replication?
19. List the suspense of events under active replication.
20. What are the state components of a replication manager contains?
21. Write note on primary copy replication.
22. What are the uses of replica manager?

1. Discuss threats and attacks in distributed system. (16)
2. Explain cryptography and the uses of cryptography. (16)
3 .Write short on : i)Authentication ii) Digital signature (16)
4. Explain in detail: i)certificates ii) Fire walls (16)
5. Write shorts on : I)Blocks ciphersII) Stream ciphers (16)
6. Explain the basic model for the management of replicated data . (16)
7. Discuss group communication and its services. (16)
8. Explain passive replication model for fault tolerance. (16)
9. Discuss active replication model. (16)
10. Explain architectures for replicated transaction. (16) 

Important questions for CS1351 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

Anna University Important questions for Computer science Engineering Cse third semester  CS1351 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE


Part A (2 Marks) 
1) What are the approaches followed to have AI?
2) Define AI.
3) Define Agent with a diagram.
4) What is a rational agent?
5) What are the elements of an agent?
6) State the factors that make up rationality.
7) Distinguish omniscience and rationality.
8) What is a task environment?
9) What is a PEAS description?
10) Write a PEAS description for an automated taxi?
11) Write a PEAS description for a vacuum cleaner?
12) Write a PEAS description for a wumpus world?
13) What is agent program and agent architecture?
14) What is a software agent?
15) State the difference between utility function and performance measure?
16) State the difference between agent function and agent program?
17) Give the steps adopted by a problem solving agent.
18) What is a fringe?
19) How is problem solving algorithm performance measured?
20) What are the components that a node represents in a search tree?

1) a. Elaborate the approaches for AI with eg. (8)
b. How is a task environment specified? (8)
2) What are the task environment natures? (16)
3) a. Describe the various properties of the task environment. (8)
b. Write PEAS description for at least four agent types. (8)
4) a. Write the environment characteristics of any four agent type. (8)
b. Explain in detail Simple reflex agent. (8)
5) Explain in detail any of the four agent structure. (16)
6) a. Explain in detail Model based reflex agent. (8)
b. Explain in detail Goal based reflex agent. (8)
7) a. Explain in detail Utility based reflex agent. (8)
b. Explain in detail learning agent. (8)
8) Explain in detail Problem solving agent. (16)
9) a. Distinguish an agent of AI and non AI program. (8)
b. Explain tree search algorithm in detail. (8)
10) Give an example and explain the toy and real world problem. (16)
11) Explain how solutions are searched by a problem solving agent. (16)
12) a. Write short notes on the following Depth First Search, breadth first search,
uniform cost search, backtracking search. (8)
b. Write short notes on Iterative deepening depth first search. (8)
13) a. Write short notes on Depth limited search. (8)
b. State how repeated states are avoided and give an algorithm. (8)

 Part A (2 Marks) 
1) What is informed search?
2) What is local search?
3) What are the various types of informed search?
4) When A* is optimal?
5) What is admissible heuristic?
6) What is greedy best first search?
7) What is A* search?
8) What is SMA* search?
9) What are the types of memory bounded heuristic search?
10) What are the factors that affect the quality of a heuristic?
11) What is a local search algorithm?
12) What are the various local search algorithm?
13) What are the problems faced by a local search algorithm?
14) What are the components of a genetic algorithm?
15) What is online search and offline search?

Part B
1) Explain any two heuristic searches in detail. (16)
2) a. Explain Hill climbing in detail. (8)
b. Explain A* search in detail. (8)
3) a. Explain simulated annealing search in detail. (8)
b. Explain Memory bounded heuristic search in detail. (8)
4) Explain any two local search algorithms in detail. (16)
5) a. Explain genetic algorithm as a local search. (8)
b. Explain online search agent working using depth first exploration. (8)
6) a. Write in detail the learning of an agent in online search method. (8)
b. Explain constraint satisfaction problem with an example. (8)


Part A (2 Marks) 
1) What are the two commitments of logic and define them?
2) What are the components of a first order logic?
3) What is the difference between the two quantifiers in the logics?
4) What is synchronic and diachronic?
5) What are casual rules?
6) What are diagnostic rules?
7) What is a model based reasoning systems?
8) What are the various steps in knowledge engineering process of a first order
9) What are the various resolution strategies?
10) What is ontological engineering?
11) What is upper ontology?
12) What distinguish general purpose ontology and special purpose ontology?
13) What are categories and objects?
14) What is reification?

Part B
1) Give the Syntax and Semantics of a first order logic in detail with an eg. (16)
2) a. Give Syntax and Semantics of a first order logic for a family domain. (8)
b. Give the Syntax and Semantics of a first order logic for Numbers, Sets,
Lists domain. (8)
3) Elaborate upon the process of knowledge engineering with electronic circuits
domain. (16)
4) a. Explain about unification with an algorithm in a first order logic. (8)
b. Explain in detail the concept of theorem provers. (8)
5) Explain forward chaining and backward chaining in detail for a first order
definite clauses. (16)
6) Explain how categories and objects are presented in any four sets. (16)
7) Elaborate upon the ontolgy for situation calculus. (16)
8) Elaborate upon the ontolgy for event calculus. (16)

 Part A ( 2 Marks)
1) What are the types of learning?
2) What is an ensemble learning?
3) Give a simple mathematical model for a neuron.
4) What are the two choices for activation function?
5) What are the categories of neural network structures?
6) What is memoization?
7) State the factors involved in analysis of efficency gains from EBL.
8) State the design issues that affect the learning element.
9) State the factors that play a role in the design of a learning systems.
10) State the decision tree as a performance element.

Part B
1) Explain the various forms of learning. (16)
2) How is the learning process in a decision tree? (16)
3) Explain the various methods of logical formulation in logical learning? (16)
4) How are explanation based learning done? (16)
5) Elaborate upon inductive logic programming. (16)
6) Write in detail the EM algorithm. (16)
7) Give an overview of a neural network. (16)
8) a. Explain multilayer feed forward neural networks with an algorithm (8)
 b. Explain the nonparametric learning methods. (8)
9) How learning is done on a complete data using statistical methods? (16)

 Part A ( 2 Marks)
1) What are the various speech acts?
2) What is a speech act?
3) How agents do communication?
4) What are open classes and closed classes?
5) Define top down parsing by a search problem.
6) Define bottom up parsing by a search problem.
7) Why grammars are to be augmented?
8) What are the various types of ambiguity?
9) What is disambiguation?
10) What is discourse understanding and give any two subtypes?
11) What is grammar induction with an example?
12) What are the reasons for the introducing of quasi-logical form?
13) What approach the probabilistic language processing takes in language
14) What are the various smoothing methods?
15) How information retrieval systems are characterized?
16) What is an information retrieval and information extraction?
17) What are the steps of information extraction?

Part B
1) Elaborate on the agent communication method by action? (16)
2) a. Explain the various steps of communication. (8)
b. Explain in detail ambiguity and disambiguation in knowledge
representation. (8)
3) State a formal grammar for a fragment of English. (16)
4) Explain parsing for a search problem with chart-parsing algorithm. (16)
5) Explain the methods of augmentation for a grammar of AI problem. (16)
6) Elaborate on the semantic augmentations for an English fragment including
tense, quantification and pragmatic interpretation. (16)
7) Explain quantification as a semantic interpretation in detail. (16)
8) a. Write short notes on the sub problems of discourse understanding. (8)
b. Explain in detail segmentation. (8)
9) What are the various probabilistic language models? (16)
10) Elaborate upon the information retrieval systems. (16)
11) a. Explain in detail the information extraction process. (8)
b. Explain a word segmentation algorithm. (8)
12) Explain in detail about the machine translation systems. (16)

If you have liked the questions and have any suggestions the you can comment below.

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (Tirunelveli)

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (Tirunelveli)

B.E./B.Tech.    (Regulation 2009)            --UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS
B.E./B.Tech.    (Regulation 2008)AFFILIATED COLLEGES              --
B.E/B.Tech.    (Regulation 2007)AFFILIATED COLLEGES              --
B.Tech./M.Tech. DUAL    (Regulation 2008)            --UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS
B.E. (Part-Time)    (Regulation 2009/2007)            --UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS
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Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (Madurai)

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (Madurai)

B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Arch.    (Regulation 2010)AFFILIATED COLLEGES
B.E.(Part-Time)   (Regulation 2010)AFFILIATED COLLEGES

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (Coimbatore)

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (Coimbatore)

B.E./ B.Tech.    (Regulation 2008)AFFILIATED COLLEGES             --
B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.    (Regulation 2007)AFFILIATED COLLEGES             --
B.E./B.Tech.    (Regulation 2007)            --UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS
B.E.(Part-Time)  (Regulation 2010/2009/2007)            --UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS
B.E.(Part-Time)    (Regulation 2008)    AFFILIATED COLLEGES             --

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (Tiruchirappali)

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (Tiruchirappali)

B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.    (Regulation 2008/2009)AFFILIATED COLLEGES
B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.    (Regulation 2007)AFFILIATED COLLEGES & UNIV. DEPTS.
B.E.(Part-Time)             (Regulation 2007)AFFILIATED COLLEGES

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations (CHENNAI)

Anna University examination time table for the month of Nov./Dec. 2014 UG Degree University Examinations 

B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.    (Regulation 2013)AFFILIATED COLLEGES
B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.    (Regulation 2008/2009)AFFILIATED COLLEGES
B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.    (Regulation 2004)AFFILIATED COLLEGES
B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch.    (Regulation 2001)AFFILIATED COLLEGES
B.E./B.Tech.(Part-Time) (Regulation 2014/2009/2005/2002)AFFILIATED COLLEGES

Motorola Motox2 (gen 2)available in flipkart now with Launch day offers

Motorola Motox2 is available in india from today on flipkart .The phone is launched in flipkart with launch offer as seen below:
Motorola Motox2 (generation 2) trailer is a cool and will give you an idea on its looks and use.

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Programmers wanted at Godrej Infotech


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LAST DATE TO APPLY:As soon as possible.


Note:Anna university Helper will only post vacancies for freshers and recent graduates to help them in their job hunt.If you have any job vacancies you know and want students to know just mail us at

Apprentice trainee required at Sadbhav Engineering Ltd

NAME OF THE COMPANY: Sadbhav Engineering Ltd 

POST :Civil Engineer ,Mechanical Engineer,IT Engineer,Technicians



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LAST DATE TO APPLY:As soon as possible (Not Mentioned )