For second year average students:How to write semester exam!

Whenever the exam name comes into students mind they feel shocked and scared.Even i used to be like that when i was an anna university student.Usually student asks this question:"How to write exams?".

So ,guys basically question paper consists of two parts PART A and PART B.I will instruct you guys to follow these steps:


      While studying ,try to study three UNITS thoroughly and see important questions of other two units.Either you can go through previous year question paper to get important question or you can get these question from book containing repeated university question papers and answers.These books are of cost Rs190-230.


     For PART A questions i would advice you guys to learn repeated two marks questions .Two marks cannot be predicted and basically it is mostly repeated ones.And i would advice you to study these two marks just 3 or few hours before exam.



1)Try to answer all the questions.Even if you dont know the answer try to write anything related to topic and if there is no hope then write the topic you studied from that unit.

2)Present neatly .Try to avoid mistakes and "dont treat your answer sheet as a battlefield".

3)Draw figures neatly and explain the figure.

4)When you write PART-B try to write in following sub topics:
    a)Definition :Here define in three or four sentences about the topic.
    b)Draw the main figure and explain the parts or note down the parts.
    c)Write the principle followed by working.
    d)Write equations if necessary.
    e)Then write down the advantages and disadvantages.
    f)At last write the applications.

5)Always write the right side of the answer booklet carefully and neatly.


1)Never write unknown 2MARKS question .Try to write 7 two mark question atleast five among them should be right.

2)Never blaber with 2MARKS.Try to write the correct answer for two marks .If not possible dont attend .

3)Avoid rewriting  in first page itself.


       Love what you learn and not bi heart.Study to learn new things not to get good marks.Knowledge is an investment for a life time.If you do in this way you will rock your life.

Hope this post will help you in your preparation for exam .These are not just written ,these are experience of various students and staffs under anna university.Your wellwisher nakul.

Please comment below:if you have anything!


  1. why we should not write unknown 2 marks in the answer sheet???????? tel me the reason please............

  2. it's because these 2 marks will make the examiner get irritated and there is every chance for the valuer to value the paper more strictly

  3. Even it be accounts or any other department paper ,try to attend every questions.Pass can be expected.

  4. I have made an error in part A for the question no.2,3,4 I have written 5,6,7answers and vice versa and I have changed the printed question the paper. Will it affect my marks please send me a reply


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